Tuesday, October 23, 2012

The Gift That Brought Me to My Knees

A gift, an amazing gift, that opened my world, that opened my heart, that brought me to my knees. This gift came without instructions, so how was I supposed to decipher what each cry meant? I may not have known what to do but at least I knew where to find wisdom. The gift of children taught me to appreciate the gift of prayer.

"People were bringing little children to Jesus to have him touch them," (Mark 10:13) More than anything in the world I wanted to bring my children to Jesus. I wanted Him to touch them, to open their eyes so they they could see the world through eyes of faith. As a mother my highest goal with my little children was to bring them to Jesus my deepest prayer was for Him to touch them.

It doesn't take long for a baby to become a little child and a little child to grow into an independent youth. When my little children became youths they they discovered that I was not Omniscient. At that time in their life I wanted to be all-knowing! I wanted to have a correct answer to all their questions. I wanted to wisely guide them in the decisions they had to make, decsions that would put them on the right path. My children are a gift from God, a gift that makes me want to be more than I am, a gift that brings me to my knees holding them up to Jesus before the throne. Before the throne I ask the One who is Omniscient to guide their steps and to bless them.

The Sun rises and the Sun sets and before I know it my house is very quiet yet in my heart I hear the echo of their voices. Each voice, each memory is a treasure that is mine to keep. My position is no longer that of authority it has now changed to that of counselor. I remind myself daily not to be anxious for these children who carry my heart with them wherever they go, but instead to carry them constantly before the throne of God. I carry each one before the throne of mercy with prayers, with supplications and yes, always, with thanksgiving. I pray with thanksgiving because I know Jesus never turned away the mothers who brought their children to Him.

Oh Father, what an amazing gift You gave me when You gave me children. They have taught me about love in ways that have humbled me and brought me continually to my knees. When they were young I would place my hands on their heads and pray for them but now they have grown and gone. Still I bring my children to You, Lord Jesus, I know Your hands can reach them when mine cannot and I know You hear a mother's prayer for the blessing of her children.

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