Sunday, October 21, 2012

The Wedding Band

 My grandmother asked me to bring her her wedding band, she had given it to me for safe keeping when she went to the hospital. When I looked for it it was nowhere to be found.  I was a child deeply aware of my need so after I looked everywhere I knew to look I dropped to my knees and prayed.

It was an unsophisticated prayer. It had two elements to it, one, I was aware of my great need and secondly, I believed I was praying to a God who loved me and was able to answer my prayer. I dropped to my knees and cried with all my heart, "Father, help me!" I opened my eyes and there tucked in the folds of my grandmother's comforter was the wedding band.

Many years have past and many prayers have been said since that day long ago. As I grew up my prayers became more mature. There have been seasons in my life when I didn't feel the great urgency to pray. There have been times when things have been going well and I have felt quite capable of navigating my life.

But then that bubble of self sufficiency bursts. I find myself like a child crying out, "Father, help me!" Again I am aware of two basic facts, my great need and that I have a great God who loves me. The answers to my prayers are not always as tangible as when I found my grandmother's wedding band but it is the same peace that invades my heart, mind and soul now as it was when I was a child.

Heavenly Father, thank You that You hear my prayers even if  I don't know exactly the right words to say. Thank You for deciding in advance to adopt me into Your own family through Jesus Christ. Thank You for Your peace that passes all understanding.

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