Wednesday, May 11, 2011

I named my first child Faith

I wanted to share a few mothering tips:

1. If you place your confidence and expectations in yourself and your parenting ability you will stumble and fall.

2.  If you place your confidence and expectations in your children they will stumble and fall and then you will trip over them and land on top of them.

3.  If you place your confidence and expectations in God and pray without ceasing He will hear you and give you the wisdom that you need.

4.  When the Bible tell you that you cannot judge someones motives that applies to your children as well. Just because we gave them birth does place us in God's position of judging their heart.

5. When removing the splinter from your child's eye be very careful it may have splintered off the log in your eye.


1 comment:

  1. Mommy, you forgot the most important one.

    "YOU are the parent that God, in his infinite wisdom, chose for this child. No one can do a better job of parenting him than you, but you must call on God for the wisdom and patience required to complete the task"
    I can't begin to tell you how many times hearing those words of wisdom from my mommy have made all the difference in a horrible mothering day.
