Thursday, May 5, 2011

Tested at the waters of Meribah

"Lord, I can't believe this has happened! I trusted you." My disappointment was so painful I felt like a cruel joke had been played on me. But there was no place to turn but to the Lord. Mine was a cry from a desperate heart," I will not let you go until you bless me!"

I began the morning after my disappointment with heavy depression and resolve. I was going to read my Bible until I heard the voice of God. Because I try to read through the Bible every year I started where I had left off the day before. I tried to read but the words seemed to lie flat on the page. I saw words but I couldn't hear God's voice.

"This is how Job must have felt." Well maybe I would understand what God was doing to me if I read the last chapters of Job. I read but I didn't understand what God was saying to Job either! By now I had been reading for over an hour and still I could only see words on the page. I needed to start work but I still had a heavy heart and no answers.

As I got ready for the day I continued to pray ,"God, please,please help me! I don't understand what you are doing. I want to trust you but I don't understand!" I began to meditate on the things I had read that morning. I began with what I had read in Job. It was not the comfort I had been seeking but what was God saying?

As I thought about it, what I saw was God challenging Job with this question, "Will the one who contends with the Almighty correct him? Let him who accuses God answer him!"Job 40:2 I realized that was what I was doing I was contending with the Almighty and accusing Him. Because I didn't understand what God was doing I felt like He was being cruel to me. This was my starting point.

Next I started thinking about the Psalm I had read that morning. Psalm 81:7 I tested you at the waters of Meribah.  Okay, what does that mean? What were the waters of Meribah. I found the answer in Exodus 17:7 where God gave the Israelites water from a rock and they quarreled and said,"Is the Lord among us or not?"

As I meditaited on Psalm 81 I began to feel like God was giving me an invitation to trust Him. Psalm 81:7-16 I am the Lord your God, who brought you up out of Egypt. Open wide your mouth and I will fill it...But my people would not listen to me; Israel would not submit to me....If my people would but listen to me, if Israel would follow my ways...with honey from the rock I would satisfy you."

So I stand thirsty in the wilderness facing a rock. I'm not sure where I am I'm not sure where I'm going. This is a test a test of trust. It is the same test Eve had in the garden that I now have in the wilderness. Is God really good? Can I trust Him even if I don't understand Him?

I choose to trust. My soul is satisfied with living water I find sweetness in the hardest places of my life. I have entered into His rest!


  1. Thank you very much Sarah. I understand. Vivian

  2. Oh wow! Mostly i grumble yet when I trust the Lord my life gets better.

  3. So I stumbled on this because I was reading Psalm 81 and verse 7 confused me...what does, "I tested you at the waters of Meribah." Mean. Ok, so this is a refrence to a time that God provided... LORD provided before, so remember that, HE will provide again. This trusting is a CHOICE. But...Let's be REAL; just because one chooses to trust, finding "sweetness" in the hard places of life does not automatically come with this may never come...THIS is where one must ACCEPT/TRUST the goodness, wisdom, AND sovereignty of God...when that "sweetness" never comes but one will say, I still choose to trust AND obey.

  4. Thank you so much for your post it really helped me as I'm enduring a trial currently and learning once again the foundational question/truth..."Do you trust me"?

  5. Thank you for your post. I'm in a very similar place right now and I was reading Psalm 81:7 as well and wondering what this means. I don't necessarily feel better, but this is a reminder of what I feel like God has been telling me throughout this period, so I'm thankful for this.

  6. Amazing word! Very, very thoughtful and from the heart. This spoke to me. Thank you, -j #SoMuchLove and BLESSINGS

  7. Thank you and God bless you for this post.

  8. thank you, i do just what you do. I'm meditating on Ps81 not out of need but out of just loving it. probably storing up food for winter hehe
